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Your security, privacy & morality matter™ 

Leader® Private Email

Available NOW by email request ($120/year subscription):

Our Email Privacy Pledge: We will not read, sell or share your email information. Period.

In a more moral world, such a pledge would be assumed among men and women of good will and respect for their fellow human beings. Sadly, not today in our world of predatory banking, law, commerce, education, government, military, medicine, and technology. Our institutions have been overtaken by demons with which we wrestle.

MySQIF™ offers you a robust email capability sponsored by Leader® Technologies that can be used separately or together with MySQIF™ Privacy App™.

Leader® Private Mail follows the standard email protocols including SMTP, POP3, MIME, IMAP4 and webmail. In other words, you can access your email online, or you can download your email to your local device. The online email client includes standard features like inbox, sent, draft, spam, trash, archives, colorized message flags, drafts, customizable folders, multiple attachments, full email composition features including tables, attachments, embedded pictures, signature, contact lists, emojis, enlarge/reduce font size, full help, etc. 

Leader® Private Email  currently supports standard encryption packages that are not related to MySQIF™ (like PGP, S/MIME). Because MySQIF™ encryption is so new, it is not currently integrated with this Email app. For now, you will need to attach MySQIF™-encrypted files to your emails manually. We hope to eventually integrate them, but MySQIF™ is so advanced (dissolving keys) that current email apps are not able to accomodate such dynamism.

If you currently use a popular "free" email account at Yahoo!, Gmail, MSN, AOL, Hotmail, you are running naked through the public square. "If the service is free, the product is me."

Proton Mail is a hunk of Swiss cheese. Its byline is "Privacy by default." This sounds good, but a closer read of the agreement describes numerous relationships with third parties for which Proton says it cannot promise privacy, including Zendesk, Stripe, PayPal, Protom Group, and ProtonLabs (Proton Mail is "not responsible for the content of any website that we link to" including your content that passes through those third parties.).

Gmail is even more explicit about their abuse of your privacy. Their license is pure Orwellian double-speak. In a lead paragraph they acknowledge that your intellectual property is yours. They know that most unsuspecting people will stop reading right there and believe their use of Gmail is private. But then, in subsequent paragraphs, Gmail goes on to claim full rights to use your intellectual property worldwide in any way they like, royalty free, be it host, sell, reproduced, distribute, communicate, reformat, create derivative works, modify, publish, sublicense, share with contractors. See Google Privacy & Terms if you do not believe this. In China. Google's no privacy pledge does not apply

Available Now by email request. ($120/year subscription):

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